
We understand, sometimes things just doesn't work for you and you want to return your item. As long as the item is still in its original condition, we accept returns, subject to the rules below. None of these rules affect your statutory rights.

If you return an item requesting a refund within 14 days of the item being delivered to you , we'll give you a full refund excluding delivery by way of the original payment method

Should you choose to return your order you will need to deliver the item(s) to our UK address where The Christmas Jumper Company Ltd is based.

How to cancel your order, or return a product.

There are two options available to you to return your item:

Option 1:
We can provide a return label for £2.70 - this will be dedicated from your refund amount. If you would like to receive a return label . Contact and request a return label. We will send you a Tracked Return 48 label that you will need to print off and drop off at the Post Office.

Option 2:
If you would like return the jumper to us other than using Royal Mail, please email us and we can provide you with a return address

We will process the refund of the product, directly to your payment card, in no more than:
a. 14 days after the day the product is received by The Christmas Jumper Company LTD; or
b. if earlier, 14 days after the date you provide evidence that you have returned the product to us; or
c. if there were no goods supplied, 14 days after the day on which you informed the Partner or us (via Step 1 above) about your decision to cancel your order.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us by emailing our customer service team at

Looking for an exchange?

Sadly we do not offer exchanges. All returned items will be refunded once they've been received by our warehouse. Need a different size or colour of an item? Simply place a new order!